And your winners are.
15 Feb 2022, 15:08
🏆 And your winners are... 🏆
Good day @everyone I have to start by saying how proud we are of our community, the amount of participants has far exceeded what we expected. Therefor we had quite a few people sharing the same outcomes which we could see happening as more people rolled in.
We have decided to add $5000 USD worth of BSGG to the prizepool last minute to increase each individual's winnings!
The list of winners can be seen here, every wallet in the winning brackets will be sent their share of the prize within 24 hours on the Avalanche chain to avoid Ethereum fees.
We're planning on doing a lot more contest very soon, this one was a test run and as much as it was confusing, we want to keep doing this. Future contests will be organized in a way to ensure we don't get an overlap in winners. Thanks for your understanding and congratulations to the winners!